by Dr. Robin Schoenthaler | Jan 23, 2022 | COVID
Week-end update: 11,000 cases/day in the US in June, 802,000 cases last Sunday, 706,000 today But you know what? Cases don’t really matter any more: there’s huge undercounting because of the gajillion unreported at-home tests and we know Omicron is getting past our...
by Dr. Robin Schoenthaler | Jan 16, 2022 | COVID
Today we are going to talk about KIDS. I know many parents out there with little kids are living in Limbo Land and feel neglected and constantly afraid and as if there’s no right answer, so let’s talk about the kids under 12 and Covid. Just a note: this isn’t...
by Dr. Robin Schoenthaler | Jan 9, 2022 | COVID
Things are unbelievably terrible out there right now. Forget anything you’ve heard about Omicron being “mild.” It is HORRIFIC how it is ravaging our society and our hospitals and our health care workers. 11,000 cases/day in June in the US. 650,000 cases yesterday...
by Dr. Robin Schoenthaler | Dec 26, 2021 | COVID
PUBLISHED in It was a very Omicron Christmas for many of us. As cases soar (70,000 at the end of October; over 200,000 today), I had countless friends and relatives who suddenly had to cancel, adjust, or scale down their celebrations because of people...
by Dr. Robin Schoenthaler | Dec 16, 2021 | COVID
PUBLISHED IN What to do as this Omicron Freight Train comes booming our way? a) Go get boosted. This week. Vaccination seems to still be helpful in not getting severe disease; boosters may help with not catching this wildly contagious Omicron. b)...
by Dr. Robin Schoenthaler | Nov 28, 2021 | COVID
Wednesday night I lay in bed and thought to myself, “Hmmmm, nothing new happening in the Covid world! Maybe I won’t write a missive this week-end…” Ah, the innocence. Because boom! Then it was Thursday and word ebbed out about a possible new variant. By Friday...